Sunday, May 6, 2012

45 Day Challenge: days 17-19

Well, I have figured out I am not good at remembering my every meal and snack anymore. Probably bc I'm not trying as hard to eat as great. I'm still eating ok, but I don't have a planned menu and it's killlliiinngggg my eating habits!!! I have been sticking pretty good to phase one still. Last night we went out on a group date and went to dinner. We went to Applebee's. Ewww, it was terrible! I did eat a couple boneless wings before my food came out. I ordered the fiesta lime chicken with steamed veggies, rather than rice. They chicken was sooooo gross I spit out my second bite. I think that may have been the first time in my life I have sent food back, but I was not about to pay for something so nasty!!!! Anyway, point of the story being, I ended up eating more boneless wings and a couple chips for dinner. But it didn't stop there... I also had some popcorn at the movie. aaaannndddd I felt like crap today. Back on track tomorrow, thank goodness!!! And no exercise this weekend either. And yes, next week is the Devil Dash, so I better get my shiz together, pronto!! P.S. I am going to try and journal my food and exercise again starting this week. As well as retake measurements. I took them about a week or so ago and I was down 6.75 inches.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

45 Day Challenge: Days 10-16

Well, it's official, I am a horrible blogger!! I am not even going to try an remember exactly what I ate and did over the last week, because I probably wouldn't be very successful. I can, however, tell you that I did follow the South beach diet, no cheating (well for my official phase one time period). I did eat out a lot more than I would have liked. Mostly El Pollo Loco Chicken Avacado Bacon salad...YUMMY!!!! As far as exercise went, well, lets just say BAD! I had two issues going on... 1: Jonathan was taking a class which means I had the kids in the morning. I tried going to crossfit both Wed and Thur, but it didn't work out. Like I showed up and had to leave didn't work out. I also attempted to workout at home with our p90x videos, but this super cute 8mo old baby kept crawling under my feet. I did get a 30 minute walk in with a double stroller and 60lbs of kids, oh and 15-2ph winds blowing against me half of the way! Issue 2: this one pertains to this week, and it has everything to do with bein a girl!! I have had the worst cramps, and the 2nd and 3rd day of my period are the WORST!! Anyway, so I was not where I would have like to have been at Crossfit. Cutting rounds and doing step ups rather than jump ups by the end of the routine. VERY disappointing. But, in all honesty, the fact that I still went in my current condition is a HUGE improvement. I used to use it as an excuse to just not work out at all. Anyway, my dedication to the diet, and my attempt to stay dedicated to working out have paid off,or I should say ARE paying off (still have a long way to go!) I have lost 11.5 pounds as of today. I am going to stay on phase one for another week or so. I did have a small cheat at lunch yesterday when I ate a peanut butter chocolate chip muffin, but no other cheat in the last 16 days!!!!! At this rate, if it keeps up (hoping so!!) I will definitely meet my goal of 30lbs in 45 days, and have a month to enjoy it before I get pregnan again! Haha- I must be crazy!!!!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

45 Day Challenge: Days 6-9

Wow, I am slackin' on the updates!! Anyway here we go...
Day 6:
Weight: 210
Breakfast: veggies and ranch
Lunch: Salad with Turkey and Avocado
Dinner: Faustos Carne Asada Taco Salad- no rice, no shell
Exercise: None
Weight: Didn’t weigh myself
Breakfast: Mixed Nuts
Lunch: Vegetable Soup
Dinner: El Pollo Loco Chicken Avocado salad-no shell
Snacks: Beef jerky, Mixed Nuts, Veggies
Exercise: none
Day 8:
Weight: 205!!!!! I had to get off the scale and get back on to make sure it was correct! Woot Woot!
Breakfast: Bacon and Cheese Omelet and Tomato Slices
Lunch: Rotisserie Chicken, Tomato Slices and Avocado Slices
Dinner: Pesto Chicken and grilled veggies
Snacks: Sugar Free chocolates, peanut butter and cool whip
Exercise: I got in about 10 minutes of Crossfit. I had to take my kids with me, and the baby was having none of it, so I had to leave early :(
Day 9:
Weight: 206.5 ( I am out of ice, and without ice, it is hard for me to drink water, thus I am retaining water, which I assume is the 1.5lb difference from yesterday)
Breakfast/lunch: Egg Whites and sausage patty and avocado slices
Dinner: Chicken taco salad
Snacks: Peanut butter and cool whip (light) and sugar free pudding
Exercise: Attempted to go to CrossFit, but was late and no one was there. Then came home and attempted to do p90x, but my baby kept crawling under my feet, and wanting to be picked up. So, I ended up going on a 30 minute walk pushing a double stroller with 60lbs worth of kids inside it :) Made for a good workout since half of it was uphill, against the wind!!!
Anyway, that is all for now! I am super happy with my results, and have come to the conclusion that my body just does not like to lose weight until about 8 months after I have a baby. I thought it was because that is when I would really start working out hard after my other two, but I now realize it is just how my body works, and I am OK with that, now that I understand it. I do need to get better about breakfast! I don’t think I have really eaten breakfast all week!! EEKKK! In a little over 2 weeks I am doing the Devil Dash... It would be wonderful to be at least another 6lbs lighter pulling myself over the obstacles :) Plus I would love even more to be out of the FUGLY 200's!!!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

45 Day Challenge: Days 3-5

Yup, I suck at writing every day! I think about it, but my bed just always sounds so much better at night! haha! Anyway, I am feeling great. South Beach hasn’t been that hard this time around. I think it’s because I have been so busy, I don’t have time to realize I’m missing bread and soda and sugars....

Day 3:
Weight: 212.5
Exercise: 20 minute run/walk, the P90X abs ripper (also did this one wed)
Diet: I will try my best to remember this!
Breakfast: eggs with bell peppers and onion and a sausage patty
Lunch: Turkey sandwich with Romaine lettuce in place of bread with broccoli and tomato slices
Dinner: Homemade Vegetable soup
Snacks: mixed nuts

Day 4:
Weight: 212.5
Exercise: None :( had a very long day in the sun a the Heritage Days festival
Breakfast: Body by Vi shake with Almond Milk
Lunch: Some Spicy BBQ (didn’t know it was just bbq sauce or I wouldn’t have gotten it, but I was so hungry I ate it anyway) chicken with the insides of a pot sticker
Dinner: Faustos Carne Asada Taco Salad-no rice, no shell
Snacks: None

Day 5:
Weight: 210.0
Exercise: None- Sunday is definitely a rest day in this casa
Breakfast: Body by Vi shake with Almond Milk
Lunch: Salad with turkey and avocado
Dinner: Chicken breast with wing sauce and fresh veggies dipped in low fat ranch
Snacks: Sugar Free chocolates, and veggies (throughout the day, not together)

I have found that I will pick one thing to snack on, and then i keep snacking on it all day. I feel great, and accomplished, already down 4.5 pounds. And surprisingly it has not been that hard this time around. I haven’t really craved bread, or soda. Chocolate is another story, hence the reason I bought a bunch of sugar free candy! It has gotten me through! Another snack/dessert I have found to be amazing is peanut butter with cool whip! OMG I could eat the whole jar! But don’t worry, I won’t! I usually just eat one serving of peanut butter, maybe a little more ;)!!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

45 Day challenge: Days 1 and 2

I am doing a 45 day challenge. I want to lost 30lbs in 45 days. I will try my very hardest to blog daily, but seeing as this is my second day and I am already playing catch up, its not looking good! haha.

Day one:
Weight: 214.5 ( I gained 4lbs on vacation. grrrr)

Total inches: 280.5

Exercise: Crossfit- 10 squat push press (10lb dumbbells), 5 Burpess, up/down 5 flights of stairs with 10lb medicine ball- 15min. I completed just under 4 rounds (didnt get the last set of stairs in, darn. Ha!)

Diet: Breakfast- Body by Vi shakes with unsweetened Almond Milk instead of Milk
         Lunch: BLT salad
         Dinner: Mexican Chicken (taco seasoned Chicken breast topped with guac, tomatoes, spicy jack cheese, lettuce and black beans)

Day two:
Weight: 213.5

Total Inches: I will measure once a week

Exercise: Crossfit- 10 Deadlifts (35lb bar), 10 push ups, 10 sledge hammer (each side, 20 total), 30 lunges, and run a short-ish lap- 20min 3 rounds.

Diet: Breakfast- Body by Vi shake with Almond Milk
        Lunch: egg whites with veggies
        snacked on a lot of salty stuff like a pickle and some green olives (my feet and hands are not happy with me now)
        Dinner: Italian Chicken and salad

I need to work on snacking between meals. Tomorrow my goal is to get some veggies cut up and easy to grab. My body is tired after a 2 week vacation and getting back into the swing of things, but I guess that means I am working hard!

Saturday, March 24, 2012


So, it has been a week of accomplishments... Yay!
Scorpion Warrior:
My hubby ran (well, we really mostly walked) this with me. He is so sweet. I obviously was not doing this for time. I really just hoped to finish in under an hour, and I did! But my truly most important goal was to finish. There were two obstacles that I could not do (I thought there would have been more) One was this tire hurdle thing... Yah, my fat butt could not jump high enough to get over it! It was like 4ft tall, if that makes it any better! LOL! The other was the A-frame board with a rope...not even close! Jonathan did have to help me on the 5ft wall also. But it was so fun! I am going to sign up for the Devil Dash that is May 12th! It is a 5K, so I really need to train for it. But I still have a few months, so I think know I can do this one!!
Well, if you read my last post, you know how CrossFit was going for me. It was weird, this week something just clicked. Not sure what it was, but I guess I realized the reason why I was having such a hard time was all mental. I guess I was afraid of taking too long (the other guys are all super fit and lap me by like 2 times), or maybe I just didn’t think I could do it. This week I went in and kicked ASS!! I finished the entire routine WITHOUT cutting reps, or rounds! I was so proud of myself, to say the least. I wish I could go more than 2 times a week, but 2 times a week is what my schedule allows. But don’t fret, I still went the gym also, and did a 20 minute pure abs workout with 25mins of cardio. It hurts to laugh, cough, sneeze, you name it.
My CrossFit routines were:
Up 5 flights of stairs, across the top of the parking garage, down 5 flights of stairs
20 Kettle Bell swings (15lbs)
15 air squats
10 Hand release push-ups
x3 rounds... I finished in 23 minutes! Could be better, but I finished it!
5 tire jumps (15.5" tire)
5 squats with weights (10lbs in each hand) on the minute for 7 minutes, then a short lap
x2 rounds (last minute was 7 reps)
This day sounded so easy (I was not foolish, I knew it wouldn’t be) but it was anything but. I was exhausted by the end!
I am so happy I have finally gotten over the mental hurdle that was keeping me from doing my best. I feel a lot better about myself, and am so excited to continue getting stronger! I just need to build up my running. My body is still not ready for the running yet. I still feel too heavy to run. It hurts my knees pretty good, and my shins hurt (I’m sure that’s more technique that weight tho) I'm hoping to be running by mid-April. Now that I have gotten over this mental hurdle, the next thing to get over it making excuses as to why I can’t eat healthier :)

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Girls stuff...

So I have gone back and forth on what I am about to write about. I thought, " I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable." and, "There are men that may read my blog." Then, today, I thought, "This blog was going to be written raw, and in the moment, and really to inspire other moms like me."

With that being said, there is one time a month that I hate being female. And while my hormones are all wacky-doodle, it extends to somewhere between 1-3 weeks!! Yesterday I did not work out because I had the. worst. cramps. And I have been sooooooo fatigued! I just want to sleep...all day! Well, today I knew I HAD to get a workout in. I have the Scorpion Warrior race this Saturday (which I am nowhere near ready for). So today I went to CrossFit, and left so pissed off at myself. I completely felt like I was going to die in the moment, so I thought. When I got in the car and started driving home, I was totally beating myself up... Why didn’t you try harder? Would 15 more burpee's have really killed you (still convinced yes on this one! I hate those SOB's!)? Did I even sweat? I'm so lazy!.... all these thought running through my head, while I have cramps, and can barely keep my eyes open. Sometimes I think men have it so easy! No excessive sleepiness, no cramps that make it feel like your uterus is going to fall out, and no what comes after those lovely cramps... BLAHHHHHH...

Anyway, today while I was at CrossFit doing our lovely routine of 15 pull-ups, 20 air squats, 25 Push-ups, 30 burpees, and a 1/4 mile-ish lap, followed by doing the same thing reversed, I was thinking... How in the HELL am I going to do something like this for 2.5 miles! I couldn’t even finish the routine as it was written up to do. I ended up cutting the reverse routine in half. I’m not sure if I was just in a funk, or if it’s because of my up and coming period that will be arriving soon. I am trying not to psyche myself out for this race this weekend, because I really am just doing it for fun. I do not want to end up mad at myself for not doing "good enough". I need to stay focused on doing what I can, and being happy with that, and more importantly, having fun with my husband!

BLLLAHHHHHHH.... time to move on with my day now...